Monday, March 1, 2010

a good year


since the first time a saw A GOOD YEAR, i noted it down on my head, that my wedding ceremony will be like this.

tables around the little pond. a jazzy or folk foursome piano, guitar, cello, violin, with the singer with angel’s voice. singing french songs or swedish. where we dont understand the lyrics but we know that it will be playing in a happy tune. and the trees with the little dim light from the lantern, lampion or handmade little lamp. in a yellow tone colour. the dark night help us to watch the big screen behind the musician. and the big screen will show the colages of old romantic movie from 50’s or 60’s. there will be the favourite video of our songs. but still it’ll inaudible.

there will be a floating candle in the pond. the food is delicious and easy. the ice cream is dark chocolate and no too sweet vanilla. the guests list only 50 persons. tables with name card. a little buny souvenire. beside the french and the swedish songs, there will be : we could be in love, for the first time, true love, from this moment, my first my last my everything, more than words, grow old with you, I’m yours, Lucky I’m in love, setia, Hingga ujung waktu, Lucky Man, Love fool, I’ll be, Love things, What a wonderful world, Forever Love, I finaly find someone…i will singing a song for you, love song by 311 and mint car by the cure.

and just like suede singing saturday night : we'll go dancing, we'll go laughing, and it'll be okay like everyone says, it'll be alright and ever so nice, Cos tonight we'll go drinking we'll do silly things, and never let the winter in.

all the guest will go dancing but no singing, laughing and laughing. no one came because ‘ ga enak klo ga dateng ‘ reason. everybody came with excited feelings. like attending to a mini concert. and we wont be the artist of the day, we came across the guests, not only say hi 5 second but we’re gona talk and tell story about how we meet, how we falling in love, and how we want to live and grow old together.

project wed

then, last week i meet the same ambience in a local resto in bandung called warung pasta. the projector shoots the old movies from HBO, the lampion is yellow with the dim light of a half night. nobody’s watching. i cant hear the voice or read the text. but it is good to know that the idea from the film that you watch has been implemented in a real world and you inside of it. i really really enjoy the moment when i sat there, eating my cheesee pasta, drinking my mint tea with refill, sharing some old stories with old friends..

i have to make this idea came true. i have to. i have to. and I’m start to make a lampion by myself and humming this happy tunes..lalalala…lalalala….