Sunday, June 27, 2010

and the reason is you


we’ve good times and bad times..but even in a bad time, you can makes me smile and laugh again.

i dont wana get married. i dont like marriage bureaucracy. too many cingcong. i just wana live with you.

i wana get married just because it was with you..

i love love love you so much

all my wedding photos taken by Gita Paramitha Djausal-my fav photographer in town. merci beacoup Gita

Saturday, June 26, 2010

a brand new day starting on my 26th birthday


just like my wish

a white tent, white chair, magenta lamp,green grass, sunshine. verena sang from this moment and you’re still the one with her angel voice in a white dress. family dress in pale pink, friends gather and laugh, people licking chocolate and strawberry ice cream. we can poke and say hello to our guest in a casual way. making a conversation. it’s not a wedding reception, it’s my birthday


just like you promise me on my 25th birthday, you said : tahun depan aku akan ada di ulang tahun mu dan kita rayain barengan ya..and this is it. kata titoberuang, mulai tahun depan akan ada 1 hitungan lagi selain umur lu, besok ada umur pernikahan lu..iya ya..I’m married woman now. sometimes belum ke setting in mind gitu tentang aku sebagai perempuan bersuami. what do and donts sih udah tau. tapi rasanya it’s a quantum leap!i start it with bismilahirohmanirohim..

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

desree - i’’m gonna be OK

Copy of 100_9360

unyul awas jatoh..

Copy of 100_9355‘no, i wont fall, im gona be ok ‘

Saturday, June 19, 2010

everybody knows it is hurts to grow up, so let’s eat happy melody

20 jun pizza 6 hari lagi i’ll have my birthday and wedding day. bachelorette party dengan tari. makan pizza penuh daging, brucheta, lasagna, minumnya teh apa ya, eskrimnya happy melody. and everybody knows it is hurts to grow up.